Recent Entries

September 04, 2003


Thursday, 4 September 2003, Jaramana, Syria
90 degrees, SUNNY

Today is the day my brother, Jeremy and Diana arrive, and it's cleanup day! I better get into the "motbouch" (kitchen) and help.

First I send Rebal out for cleanser, then start scrubbing the marble counter. Four kids in the kitchen now, I give them each a task and go drink tea. A few hours later, and 2 or 3 people drop in to visit the place is looking great. Marlin is actually doing most of the work. The house is now filled with a lot of people in ever room, so a retreat to one of the empty salons to read my book is in order. Naeif joins me, and we take a nap for an hour or two. Soon, it's almost time to sit around for a little while before we go to the airport. Change clothes, and we're in Hassan's van, then getting flowers, then off to airport.

Predictable boring waiting around at the airport, finally Jeremy and Diana are here! They look a little rumpled, but ready for fun. And fun they shall have. The kids rush them, offering flowers, and their practiced "Welcome to Syria, Jeremy and Diana"! Their bags are swept away and we pile into Naeif's uncle's car for the ride into Jaramana.

After we get to the house, we deposit the bags in a salon, and check out the courtyard. Rawal serves up the Barada and we have a snack. Then it's time to go to a wedding! We pile back into the van, and go back the same route towards the airport. There is a party for the brides' family at a large house outside Damascus complete with a swimming pool for the kids. A flurry of activity ensues - should we sit? should we stand? where should we sit? are they (my brother and sis in law) tired? are they hungry? are they thirsty? do they want to go up on the porch? We head up to a little terrace, then decide, this is ridiculous, we're going to get stared at no matter where we go, let's go back and hang out with everyone.

Ghazwan and Hassan are there, dancing and laughing and having a great time. They immediately adore Jeremy and out comes the Arak. Then, comes the kibbeh nayah and giant handfuls of raw meat are coming at us. My sister in laws grab me and we dash out onto the floor for a little Debke dancing.

This party is for the bride, thrown by her family. The groom is off having his own party, then the next will be the big day and the ensuing banquet. Weddings go for three or four days in this land of any excuse for a big party.

Finally, we decide we're all tired, and pile back into the van for singing all the way home. Naeif and I have moved upstairs to Ghazwan's apartment and have our own cool room with rugs and pillows - and sleeping on the terrace!

Posted by Fahimi on September 4, 2003 12:09 PM
Category: The Journal, starring the Rafeh family

Who is reading the blog? Any of my peeps back in Chicago? Write a comment - would love to know who my audience is here.

salaam wah le'khum!

Erika (Fahimi)

Posted by: Fahimi on September 4, 2003 05:42 PM

Happy Birthday!!! (belated;-). Glad you're enjoying time with your sweetheart (and his family;-)

Posted by: Christopher Ludtke on September 5, 2003 06:33 AM

I just started reading it today (doh!) Hadn't seen you online. I figured you were busy, then I remembered the blog. Happy belated birthday!

Posted by: Lee on September 7, 2003 11:53 PM

Why did u stop uploading? If u need any help just give me a call, Marlin has my number.
Salam 2 ur brother and sisinlow. I'll drop this week to meet them.

Good Luck. M. Damas.

Posted by: Mohamad taha on September 12, 2003 09:15 PM

Hi to all,
What Happened?
Jeremy broke your computer?
Brothers are like that.
Seriously I hope they arrived safely and you ae just too busy for all this stuff.
Love to all
Tommy and (Richard)

Posted by: Tommy on September 13, 2003 02:49 AM

Thanks, Mohammed!

We were in Aleppo, Palmyra and Lattakia for the past few days. I have a few journal posts queued up to put on the blog, inshallah I'll get to it tomorrow.

Posted by: Fahimi on September 13, 2003 10:54 PM

hey erika, i have been reading just not posting, sorry. thought about you on your bday, hope you got the e-card carrie and i sent to you. i was on a plane to AZ that day so no computer access. hope it was fun. things same here, still looking for a new job, etc.....take care and write soon!!

Posted by: Karen on September 16, 2003 10:47 PM

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